Black Friday turned out to be very fun and worthwhile this year. This year I awakened at 3:50 a.m. so that I could be at Toys R Us by 4:30ish. At the beginning I was a little disappointed because Drew usually likes to go with me and we have a great time going together. However, this year I didn't really feel like hiring a babysitter (I figured the dollars we would save on the items would have just ended up going to a sitter, making it not really worth it for both of us to go). Luckily, there are some fun girls in my ward that love to go together every year and asked me to join them. I met one of them at Toys R Us. The other two girls hit Sam's club this year because they had an amazing deal on the Wii and they both got it!! So I started at Toys R Us and bought for myself and one of the other girls that was at Sams. This is the smartest way to do Black Friday. Send each person to a different store and that person buys for everyone. That way you get most of the good deals but don't have to go everywhere. Toys R Us was packed!! It was hard to get around but for me that is what makes it fun (I guess it is the madness of it all) The funny thing is that I try to get all my shopping done by December 1st because I hate crowds. (The only day I don't mind is Black Friday). I also buy for my nieces and nephews birthdays throughout the year. I also sometimes buy extra for birthday party gifts. After Toys R Us, we hit Target and then the Mall. We were done about nine and then all went to breakfast. It was a blast. After breakfast I felt recharged (I guess it was the diet coke) so we went to Sam's and Costco. I didnt' have anything in mind but just felt like continuing to shop.
These are some of the great deals I got this year.I got buy one power ranger for $9.99 and get two free.
I got buy two get one free of Thomas Trains
This is normally $15.00 on amazon and I got it for $6.99.
I got each Hanna Montana doll for $7.00 they are normally around $16 dollars.
I got this game for $9.00. I think it is normally around $20.00.
I won't keep boring you will all the deals. But they were a bunch of others. The stores have been having some amazing deals the past two months. It has been great. I have had so much fun shopping. Now I'm hoping to just sit back and enjoy the month of Decmeber (ya right)!
What great deals have you been finding?
I bought a lot of Littlest Pet Shops for Gracie. She's a crazy nut for those little animals. Since when it comes to toys she is all girl, getting stuff for her is a no-brainer.
Isaac is easy this year. He wants a DS and games. Done!
What I'm stuck on is Jon. He wants an HDTV and frankly, if we want to eat for the next month or so we can't afford that. Not sure what to give him as a substitute....
Sounds like you got some great deals. Black Friday shopping is the best!
No deals for me because I do not venture forth to shop on Black Friday! You're amazing that you don't mind crowds. I hate crowds! I'm glad it was so successful for you.
You are SO brave to do that! I am glad you were able to find some great deals this year!
Good for you to shop on such a busy day. I get out some years, but this year we were visiting family so no deals for me! I've been doing a lot of online shopping - easier with 3 kids - and I can do it at night too. I loved hearing about the deals you found.
You're so funny. Those were great deals! I could NEVER go out there and do that. It doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm glad it's so fun for you. It sounds like you have some fun friends there in TN.
Wow. I wish I knew how to bargain shop. I know I am being ripped off, but I am too weak and wimpy to brave the Black Friday scene. Good for you...
sounds like you got some great deals! me and those early mornings do not work so i stay home. i used to love shopping on black friday.
What a good shopper you are! you go girl!
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