This is the first nativity Drew and I received as a married couple. My brother and sister in law went on vacation to Israel and brought it back for us.
When we lived in Tucson, Arizona we would go down to the boarder towns in Mexico and I picked up this little tin nativity.

It helps to have a birthday in December. Nativities are almost beginning to be a staple gift from my mother and husband and I absolutely love it. Drew bought this Lladro nativity for my 30th birthday. See the Lladro of my dreams below!

My husband surprised me with this Jim Shore Nativity one year for Christmas. I love his work and was so excited.
My friends Laura and Michelle gave me this pewter nativity last year for my birthday. I love that those girls know me so well that they combined my two loves, nativities and pewter.
My mom gave me this cute little nativity by Mary Engelbreit. It has little kids acting out the nativity. My mom has also been helping me collect the willow tree nativity. It is large and has a number of pieces. I hoping this year it will be complete! (hint, hint mom)

I found this one just a few weeks ago at a craft fair. It is the holy family made out of wooden spindles. I thought this was so clever and unique. I had to have them!

These are some of my favorites because my kids can play with them. The first one the kids move a bead each day starting the first day of December. I really love the advent nativity calendar.
On Executive Homemaker there is a cute activity where you can wrap up twelve pieces of the nativity and have the kids open one each day and read a poem with it.
I also found the cutest craft we are going to make this year. I wish I could post the picture but it won't let me. Check it out. It is a graham cracker nativity. It looks really easy to make. I know my kids will have a great time.

What are your addictions, I mean things that you like to collect?