1) What was I doing ten years ago- In September of 1997 -I was serving a Spanish speaking mission for my church in California Carlsbad. I was serving in a small town called Ramona with my companion Sister Ramos. I had already been there a year. It was one of the best times of my life.
I'm the one in the yellow dress.
2) Five years ago was September 2002- We were living in Denver, Colorado and Drew was in law school. We went to law school at the University of Arizona in Tucson but Drew was doing an internship with the EEOC. It was so fun. I loved Denver and being there in the fall. I was a stay home mom with little Derek who was 19 months old at the time.
3) One year ago was September 2006- I was just beginning my second year at Hardeman Elementary in Texas teaching third grade (I had taught before in other states) but Texas is a whole different ballgame. Derek had just started kindergarten. Owen was seven months old.

4)Yesterday September 13, 2007: I ran errands with Owen and then we went out to dinner and grocery shopping. Nothing to exciting.
5) Snacks I enjoy: movie popcorn, milk chocolate candy, cheesecake (from the Cheesecake Factory), cheetos, and vegetables with dip.
6) Things I would do if suddenly I had a $100 million dollars: Travel, adopt many many more children, donate some to charity, save, invest, pay off our house.
7)Locations I would run away to: Anywhere in Europe, South Africa, Australia, Chile, and Israel.
8) Bad Habits I have: I get distracted, sometimes I interrupt, procrastinate.
9) Things I like doing: spending time with family/friends, shopping, travel, blogging, and watching movies
10) T.V. shows I like: The Office, Desperate Housewives, Law & Order, reruns of Dallas (sad huh?), House Hunters, Grey's Anatomy, & So you think you can dance
11) Things I don't like doing: cleaning, changing diapers, & watching ESPN
12) Biggest joys of the moment: Having Michelle, my in-laws and my mother coming to visit throughout the next month and a half, this time of year and all the fun things we have planned, the day after Thanksgiving shopping & decorating my new house
Now I'm going to tag four people and please do it, because it's fun!:
1. Laura
2. Debbie
3. Heather
4. Lacie- from Forever Flamingo
Thanks for tagging me Julianne. It was fun.
Great meme! Thanks for sharing.
I love the pics! That was so fun to get to know you better. :) Thanks for doing it!
Had too much fun with this tag. Thanks Megan for the chance to reminisce a bit. And I loved getting to know more about you. I served my mission in Los Angeles - Spanish speaking. I hadn't made that connection before with your CA mission. It was also one of the best times in my life :-)
That was lots of fun too read! I interrupt too, guess that's why we are such kindred spirits ;). Loved the baby pics of Derek. Can't wait to visit! Just 4 more day!!!!
NO WAY- you were in the Carlsbad mission? I'm from Encinitas!!! Did you ever serve in Encinitas? My whole family still lives there (I live in LA).
It's fun to read these answers about people- you can get to know each other better- I guess I knew those things, anyhow!
Ok! Thanks for the tag! I will work on it tonight when the kids are in dream land!
I enjoyed getting to know you better! Oh, and cheetos...YUMMY!
I love how you have posted how many more days till black Friday shopping. I too look forward to this day. Mostly because I used to have to work that day and never got to shop, but now that I don't work, I get my mom-in-law and sis-in-laws and we all go shopping and ahve a grand ol' time! Thanks for keeping us updated on it! I think it will be here before we know it!
I am totally blog stalking you, but did (or do) you teach at Hardeman Elem. in GP, TX? That's where I grew up and can't imagine there would be more than 1 in TX!
I taught at Hardeman Elementary in Watuaga, Texas. This is their web page: http://www.birdville.k12.tx.us/schools/114/index.html. Let me know if it is the same one.
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