Dwight and Angela
The Love Triangle- Pam, Jim, & Karen
Andy now known as Drew- before Anger Management- punching the wall!
What season premier are you looking forward to?
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. -Albert Einstein
Dwight and Angela
The Love Triangle- Pam, Jim, & Karen
Andy now known as Drew- before Anger Management- punching the wall!
I have been waiting for this to happen. Today around 3:00 p.m. I saw Naomi Judd at Hobby Lobby. Yes, my first star sighting in Nashville! It was so cool. I spotted her right away because she had these big sunglasses on. I thought to myself who would be having sunglasses on in the middle of Hobby Lobby. When I first spotted her I just kept on shopping but then I went to check out and I was right behind her. As we were waiting she said to my little Owen, "How you doin' little handsome guy?" I couldn't believe it. It was funny because the clerk asked to see her I.D. and she said she didn't have any. The clerk goes oh, I know who ya are and laughed. Then as I was walking to my parking spot I realized her Jaugar was parked right infront of my car. Can you believe it? I must say I am very happy I controlled myself and didn't gush (I saved it all for my blog!)
My neighbor next door said that they saw her a few months ago at a restaurant and that his friend saw Wynonna at Target a few weeks ago. So maybe I will run into them again.
I can't believe it has been a week since I last blogged. My wonderful friend Michelle from My Favorite Things came to visit this last week. We had such a great time. Michelle and I both moved from Texas around the same time and have been going through similar experiences the last six months. It was great to see each other again and laugh!
Michelle is originally from the South so she was very excited to come to Nashville. I think she felt at home here. We decided to go and visit some of the plantation homes and started with Andrew Jackson's (the 7th President) home.
We saw a great movie called Stardust (if you haven't seen it, see it!)
It was a great time and I'm so glad my wonderful friend Michelle came to stay the weekend and left being a better friend than before (if that's possible!)
However, my true 80s hunk was Ralph Macchio. I had a magazine picuture of him and I put lipstick on my lips and kissed it. I was a bit silly. I had no idea what I was doing. But my whole family loved this movie.
My husband likes to tease me and say my 80s crush was Scott Baio. Anyone who knows my husband knows he is a big teaser. He always gets a fun reaction out of me!! Just for the record I never liked Scott Baio.
My 90s hunk was Christian Bale from Newsies. Look at that face!!
Well, my hunk of the this decade and forever is my wonderful husband Drew. He is a great support to me and always there to listen. He always makes me laugh! And the best part is I don't have to kiss a poster of him. I get the real deal! He! He!
Let me know about the hunks in your life?
I have really been struggling to make my dining room table fill more complete. I found this in a magazine and have tried to copy it. My husband is sick of me asking him, "What do you think?" So I am turning to my blogging friends. Do you think this works? (I know everyone is decorating with fall things but I am just trying to get the everyday ordinary decor done).
My dining room
I added a red runner to make it fill a little dresser because it is a formal dining room. I had tried a white runner but it looked a little stark!
I still need to add some artwork to the walls and a few other things but this is what I have done so far. Let me know what you think before I go too far? Thanks
1) What was I doing ten years ago- In September of 1997 -I was serving a Spanish speaking mission for my church in California Carlsbad. I was serving in a small town called Ramona with my companion Sister Ramos. I had already been there a year. It was one of the best times of my life.
Well, it didn't start out to become a family tradition but now after many months I think I can call it a family tradition. Every weekend usually Sunday or Saturday night we have been having movie night at our home. It might sound funny but it has really been fun and brought us closer together. We usually make movie popcorn (on the stove) and low-fat fruit shakes and then pick a favorite movie to watch (something kid friendly of course). Then we go upstairs and cuddle under our blankets altogether and watch the show. It has been so fun.
This is Drew making the popcorn and our low-fat peach shakes! Yum!!
Well this weekend we watched Peter Pan the original Walt Disney Version. I'm not a huge Peter Pan fan but Derek and Owen really seemed to like the whole lost boys & Captian Hook story line. I much prefer Little Mermaid but in a house full of boys I rarely get to choose the girly movies!
What is your favorite Movie to watch as a family?
This weekend we had a really fun acitivity at church called Around the World. The activities committee asked people in the ward to sign up for places they had been, were from, served missions in or just interested in learning more about. People set up little booths and we were able to go around and try the food and learn a little about that country. Well, Drew decided to sign-up for Chile since he served his mission there. It took all day Saturday to prepare but it turned out to be really fun. Drew made Empanadas Fritas. They tasted awesome.