I know this is long but it is an awesome tradition!
Gifts for the Savior
Scott and Angelle Anderson, “Gifts for the Savior,” Ensign, Dec. 1997, 58–59
Scott and Angelle Anderson, “Gifts for the Savior,” Ensign, Dec. 1997, 58–59
One December we gathered our family together for a family meeting. We asked our 11-year-old son how it would be if on his birthday the family members gave presents to everyone but him. He didn’t like that idea at all. We went on to ask if there was a holiday when we gave gifts to others but not to the person whose birthday we were celebrating. It didn’t take the children long to realize we were talking about Christmas. That year, however, we wanted to make Christmas more meaningful by giving gifts to the Savior, whose birthday we were celebrating. Three-year-old Laralyn headed to her room and returned carrying her favorite doll. “Daddy, could I give my dolly to Jesus?” she asked. We explained that the Savior knew of her willingness to give him her most prized possession and that he would want her to take care of the dolly for him. She was delighted and said, “I love giving gifts to Jesus!” By now our older children had become more reflective. What could they give the Savior? We discussed what he would want. We talked about how he had paid for our sins and wanted us to give them up. We talked about how he would want us to give of ourselves through service and sharing our talents. Gifts could also include being more obedient in such areas as journal writing, scripture reading, and keeping the commandments. We put a little white box on the fireplace mantle and asked our family members to write their gifts on slips of paper and place the slips in the box. Then we explained that on Christmas morning, before all of the other gifts were opened, we would have family prayer and then share with each other the gifts we were giving to the Savior for the coming year. As the years have come and gone, the tradition of the white box has helped our family focus on the real meaning of Christmas and on our love and gratitude for the Savior.
Gift Idea for Children
(give out on Dec. 13th or 14th)
Gift Idea for Children
(give out on Dec. 13th or 14th)
And that Santa blows bubbles in his sleigh!
Only twelve more days tell Christmas, it is coming fast
so plan carefully to make your blubble gum last.
A piece of gum everyday is all that you should chew
and with every bubble that you blow think of my Christmas wish to you.
Gifts for neighbors and friends
(attach to a candle)

Light a Christmas Candle
To Remind You of the Star
That Guided Humble Shepards
And Wisemen from Afar
May it's Light Still Lead You
As You Journey on Your Way
And Bring Thoughts of our Savior
Throughout Your Christmas Day
(attach with a bag of candy)
(sung to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Dashing from the mall,
with groceries yet to buy;
lessons, work and housecleaning,
life is so crazy! Why?

Bells on our phone ring;
the machine will take the call,
we have no time for family or friends,
it drives us up the wall
How are you? How’s your life?
We really want to know.
We’d love to chat and hear the news,
but please don’t talk too slow.
How are you? How’s your life?
We really want to know.
Hope you’re ready for Christmas,
now maybe it will snow.
A day or two ago,
we thought we’d make a treat,
for all our special friends.
a Christmas gift to eat.
Our intentions were top notch,
but our schedules would not budge,
hence, here’s this years edition,
of homemade Christmas fudge.

You're getting
"muffin" for
Ok, my sister is for sure getting the muffins this year!!! What great ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!!
I love getting older too!
Those are awesome ideas. I think I'll be borrowing a couple of them! Thanks for sharing.
Those are really fun ideas. I especially like the gumballs.
I love all of these!
We've been talking a lot about the true meaning of Christmas, and so I think that the Christmas Box idea is great and we'll probably do that this year.
Hey- my boys opened the gumball thing today and they are SO excited to start tomorrow! THANKS CUTIE!!
I love all those ideas and my boys loved the gumball countdown you sent them.
You are the queen of creativity, Megan. Love these cute ideas. Great idea to blog about.
Cute ideas! I have seen the muffin one though--except she gave out a stick of butter too with the muffin mix and put a little note: you 'butter' watch out, or you'll get 'muffin' for christmas!
Cute ideas. I like to collect new ones...
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