Thanks to Rochelle I remembered to watch Masterpiece Theater last night. They are airing the complete Jane Austen Collection. Next Sunday they will be airing Northanger Abbey . This week they began with Persuasion. It was amazing. I loved it! It was so nice to watch an enjoyable romantic clean movie! Jane Austen was such an amazing author!

What shows/movies have you been watching?
We rented Amazing Grace last week and it was excellent. I highly recommend it.
I totally watched Persuasion last night and loved it. I am in love with Captain Wentworth! Hope you are well... V
Oh- I need to watch that! I wish I had been there with you! I could use a little GNO before next week!
PS- I can't get on Rochelle's site still! I'll have to call you and figure it out!
Laura, I'm sorry you can't get on. I wonder why? Do you rss subscribe or use bloglines? If you do, you have to resubscribe.
Persuasion was good, huh? Captain Wentworth was hot. I was disappointed that they cut the scene where he writes her the letter. That, to me, is the best scene in the book.
It's waiting on my DVR. Can't wait!
Bummer! I have been missing all the good shows! I have never read or watched Persuasion...I know, I know..what am I thinking!
LOVED IT! I must say, Wentworth was my kind of Captin. ;) I did marry a blonde...
Shhhhh. I've been watching cheesy romances since Christmas. Oh, but I did watch Emma the other night. Guess that's sort of intelligent cheesy romance at least...
I seriously thought Anne was going to SWALLOW Capt Wentworth at the end. Yowza! Didn't know she had it in her.
Aren't these movies dreamy? :)
Thank goodness for a DVR!
I thought Captian W. was so darling. Yet, I didn't love the movie. Probably because my hopes were too high, and I have had Jane Eyre playing non-stop for the last few weeks. Just can't get enough of Mr. Rochester. Really not fair. Two very different movies.
Darn that Atonement is rated "R" ... I see advertizements for it all the time. It looks really good. I have not banned all "R"s, but usually just don't want to go there.
Okay call me and remind me to watch it this Sunday. I'm bumed I missed it. Guess that's what I get for not blogging for almost a month. But I'm back and I've updated. I still have more to do....
I missed the first one but I can't wait till Sunday for the second one. I agree, a romantic, clean movie- yeah!!
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