Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Little Man

I finally took Owen to get his two year old picture taken. He is very shy and didn't want to pose but finally after a little while he warmed up and we managed to get one good shot. I usually spend a bundle but since Owen wasn't cooperating I spend the fewest amount of dollars ever on pictures! New pictures just make me so happy. He sures looks like a little man and not a little baby!


Renee said...

He's adorable!!


Wendi said...

Adorable photo of your little guy!

Julianne said...

He is such a handsome little man! So cute! I'm glad you got such a good shot.

Katrina said...

He's so big! What a great pic!

Traci said...

At least you got one good one! Too cute!

Michelle said...

He is getting so darn cute and so big! I guess he isn't a baby anymore.

Laura said...

Sooooo cute! Wow- time goes so quickly!