Thursday, March 6, 2008

Exciting News!

Finally after six years and just a few days shy of seven months Derek lost his first tooth. We have been waiting and waiting for this day to come. It was exciting, unexpected and I am so happy it happened at home so we could share it!

What exciting moments have you experienced lately?


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Yay! And what did the tooth fairy bring him?

Heather S. said...

Losing that first tooth is such a big deal to kids. Congratulations to him.

Julianne said...

How exciting! That is so much fun to leave the first one. ;)

Rochelleht said...

Grace has two loose and she is 4. This is a result of having babies who get teeth at 3 and 4 months. Not always a great thing.

Laura said...

That is great!! I am glad you were able to be there! Quincy is just a few months younger than Derrek and he too hasn't lost any teeth yet!

Michelle said...

How exciting!! I remember when Brekkon lost his first tooth. It is so fun playing tooth fairy. Korbin hasn't lost any yet. He is very excited to lose his first tooth.

Katrina said...

Our first experience loosing teeth weren't so great, because I was convinced that they were rotting out of her head. Long story, but way to go Derek!